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Monday, October 5, 2015

Fishing With Dad, PB Rainbow Trout

It was just your average Sunday in October, I was dangerously close to going into work for 7pm, but had just enough time to kill to do something. My father looked at me and said "Do you want to go fishing?" I mulled it over because I famously don't like to tire myself out before work but opted to take the rare chance to fish with my father. It'd be fair to say hes fished less than 5 times this year and I've become painfully aware that the person who taught me how to fish, doesn't really fish anymore. I eagerly said yes after devising how long I had until work.

We went to a famously barren location that's stocked with small trout. It also just so happens to be the closest body of water to my childhood home. This place is a stomping grounds for families, pseudo-fisherman, weekend warriors, and is generally not a place where serious fisherman go to be....well serious fisherman. It lived up to my expectations, elderly women (go chicks!!!) were lounging in chairs with bottom rigged poles, families were fishing, and guys with fly-vests stood upon the shorelines without fly rods. There was no action to be had except this studly bluegill.

My father and I went back and fourth on where to fish next. My dad makes his decisions on places to fish based around places that have historically held fish. I personally have a more up to date idea of where the fish are. Enter my honey hole. It was close and local, alternately I knew my father wouldn't like how dicey and dangerous my spot was, luckily he had a favorite spot not 20 yards away. PERFECTION.

I wasn't exactly optimistic, but I figured it was worth a shot. I messed around with my tried and true methods, I tried my last ditch effort and saw a heavy shadow come out of the darkness and mouth my worm. The spot I fished as I mentioned is incredibly hard to fish, even if you have a good hookset chances are many of the obstacles present there may deprive you of your hard earned catch. I won't say anything further for Spot Burning purposes. Turns out I missed my chance with that heavy shadow as I dragged my bait from its reach, too little to late, but I'll try again.

Again I casted and this time I wasn't dumb, this wasn't Catch and Release fishing, this was dinner plate angling, so I felt the weight of the fish stop the floating worm and let it enjoy its dinner, after a period of time I let the fish have it. I was in for more than I bargained for, I unfortunately can't elaborate again for spot burning concerns. The fish was a brute and very clearly my new PB (Personal Best), which is wild because my Rainbow Trout has stood since 2007, a distant 8 years ago..... I eagerly went to call my father over who was already en route. A few quick photos from my father who struggles with technology, then back to fishing.

Same method, fish.

Same method, fish again. My dads back was hurting so it was time to leave but I left happy, hopefully I'll report on when I go back to finish them off...

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